Friday, July 18, 2008

Hood River From June 15th

They are due back today. I miss my Pumpkin horse.

He jumped on the rig and was ready to go. They had to stand there for about 10 minutes and Morgan said he was a very good boy about it. Then didn't want to get off once they got to the show. :lol: Typical. He probably won't get off when they get home either.

Weather Report - it snowed there on Monday, was wicked windy and cold on Tuesday, I arrived late Tuesday afternoon and it was spitting rain, cold and miserable with the wind. Wednesday - horrid windy and cold. Had to keep the old lady dog on the golf cart wrapped in Scooter's old Stoney Ridge dress sheet. Pip was a good boy in spite of all of the wacky weather. Thursday was BEAUTIFUL, 70's, clear sky, light breeze and I'm sporting a very sunburned face. I left the sun block on the coffee table in the family room. So much for putting it out to remember to stick it in my bag.

He managed to go in the ring three times and not get stuck at the gate. He was wiggly down the lines, not fond of the ends of the ring, it is on grass in a field so there is a bit of a pitch to the ring he showed in. He got better with each trip, and was 6th in his second Baby Green class.

Thursday - he started out with the under saddle there were 18 in the ring!! HE WON IT!!! What a good boy, he behaved very well but decided standing in the line up was boring and started to dig. I'm so very excited about how he went and that he was used first, there were some nice horses in the ring. I was nervous that he wouldn't behave, but he did and he listened to Morgan.

Then came three over fences, he was a cheeky monkey as Morgan put it, his last trip was best but he didn't get used. He did some interesting things, like get to the end of the ring near the gate and decide he was done, kicked out at Morgan's leg. He jumped the jumps great but was doing baby things, and expressed his opinion to Morgan going down the judges line on more than one occasion. He is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get.

Frank Willard was the Thursday judge and Brian Lenehan was the Wednesday judge. They are both on my good list.

William Sparks used him well at Mother's Day

So there you have it. His first outside show, with studs - there was a bit of "feet.won't.move." the first time he had them in on schooling day but he went around and got use to them. He was a very good boy although Jenni probably doesn't think so! She gets to deal with him first thing and he can be a pill. I'm very pleased. Morgan wants an animal communicator to have a chat with him. This should be interesting. I've got a line on two and I will probably try them both.

His beet pulp is soaking in two buckets in the kitchen sink for when he comes home. He loves his beet pulp.

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