Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day two for Pip

Well he jumped beautifully, so I was texted by Miss Molly, just had a couple of squirrely moments in the puddles. Puddles.... his downfall. He was not happy that Morgan didn't let him stop and play.

So he leaves this show with a 2nd (which is BLUE! in Canada) in the Baby Green hack. This is his last outing for the year. Next year he moves up to the Pre-Greens. He will go home and just do his normal thing. The aluminum shoes come off on the next shoeing and he is back to steel. Learning to jump courses a little more consistently and having some down time.

I drive up on Sunday to help pack and come home.

He starts his allergy shots in a week to 10 days. He is allergic to everything. Nearly.

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